Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Day 8 post-hospital

Day 8 post hospital. It's a waiting game now. I'm feeling better - every day is definitely an improvement!  Right now I'm battling side effects of prednisone. I have a love/hate relationship with prednisone! I am tapering off 60mg Q 6H - that's 120mg of solu-medrol in a 24H period. I hate this drug! I'm tapering down by 5mg/day - sooo at this rate it's taking me 12 days to wean off prednisone completely. I. Cannot. Wait. I'm experiencing swelling like crazy - face, fingers, feet. I'm pretty much over it. LOL. I guess I didn't realize how sick I was till I decided to skip urgent care & go directly to the ER. I'd been sick since April 6th. An entire month - trying on my own to get my asthma under control. What kind of idiot am I!? I have learned a valuable lesson in this experience - trust my doctors!! My primary doctor is really conservative & doesn't like prescribing prednisone. But when I can't breathe, what's the alternative? I get it though. She's just looking out for me long term. My pulmonary specialist is the opposite- he's very aggressive in how he treats a flare up. I'm a 'special' asthmatic- when I go bad, I go bad very quickly. He doesn't hesitate to whip out a needle & give me a shot! These side effects I could do without though. I had bad insomnia last night. Mood swings today.  My appetite has increased. I feel this puffiness all over. I have some bursts of energy, then I bottom out. And I'm exhausted. Rinse. Repeat. No joint pain thank God. I'm ready to put this episode behind me! And get back to exercise! I have been on my rower the last 2 days. Did 750M on Sunday. Then I did 2,122M on Tuesday. Felt really good actually. Today after my visit with my pulmonologist I hope I'll be totally cleared to resume normal activities. Fingers crossed!!